In addition to traditional ablative resurfacing, we also offer nonablative skin resurfacing, allowing us to improve the appearance of fine rhytides, sun damage, and superficial scarring.
The advantage to nonablative procedures is that they can be done quickly, simply, and without any downtime whatsoever. The improvement is more gradual, as repeated treatments are required. This is accomplished by heating the dermal collagen without causing prolonged redness or healing of the epidermis.

What Is Skin Resurfacing?
Skin resurfacing is a cosmetic procedure designed to improve the texture, tone, and overall appearance of the skin by removing damaged outer layers and stimulating the growth of new, healthy skin cells. It can be performed using various methods, including lasers, chemical peels, or microneedling, each tailored to address specific concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, and uneven skin tone. By targeting the skin’s surface and deeper layers, skin resurfacing promotes collagen production, enhances skin elasticity, and reveals a smoother, rejuvenated complexion. This versatile treatment is customizable to suit different skin types and concerns, making it a popular choice for individuals seeking a refreshed, youthful look.
Precautions To Take Before Your Non-Ablative Treatment
Sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher should be regularly applied to the treatment area and throughout treatment. This can prevent hyperpigmentation from occurring.
Please let the physician know if you have a history of herpes simplex infection (cold sores) on your lips or other areas of your face.
Precations To Take Following Ablative Laser Resurfacing Treatment
Following treatment, the area can be cleansed by soaking with lukewarm water approximately every two hours for ten minutes. Gently pat dry, and then apply Aquaphor ointment to the entire treated surface. DO NOT SKIP ANY AREA. On subsequent days, soak the face four times a day. Continue this regimen for at least 7 days or until fully healed.
Immediately after skin resurfacing surgery, there may be swelling of the skin, especially if the cheek, nose, or eyelids have been treated. The swelling subsides in 3 to 7 days. Frequent applications of ice packs on the swollen area(s) may be used to reduce the swelling. The ice pack should be wrapped in a soft cloth and applied to the treated area for 30 minutes every hour. The head should be elevated on several pillows while sleeping.
Avoid strenuous exercise, heavy lifting, intense sunlight, and extreme heat and wind. After the crusting resolves, sunscreen must be used when going outside for at least six months following the procedure.
Makeup may be applied after the crusting resolves. Be careful in applying the makeup, and remove the makeup gently.
Patients are allowed to take showers, but rubbing the area with a washcloth or towel should be avoided. Gently pat areas dry instead, as the area may be extremely delicate.
Any discomfort experienced can be treated with Tylenol. A stronger pain reliever may be prescribed if required.
Notify us at once, if any new sores or erosions develop, fever, or new areas of tenderness occur.