Nearly ten million Americans are affected by some form psoriasis, an extremely common autoimmune disease that can interfere with your quality of life.

Patients who are struggling with skin conditions such as psoriasis and vitiligo may feel extremely self-conscious about their appearance. This can result in lowered self-esteem and a drop in confidence.

Thankfully, at Integrated Dermatology, we have the true expertise in treating patients with disabling dermatoses such as these.

We understand how debilitating these conditions can be, and how they can affect one’s physical and emotional well-being.

Understanding Psoriasis: Causes, Symptoms, and More


Psoriasis causes certain areas of a person’s skin to grow much faster than is normally expected. The condition appears on the surface of your skin but is the result of deeper issues going with the immune system. It is a result of a malfunction of T cells in the body.

These T cells are normally in charge of defending your body against bacteria, but with psoriasis, these T cells become overactive and also trigger overactive production of skin cells. This results in red, scaly patches in certain areas of the skin. It is not contagious, but just the unusual appearance may make others uncomfortable because they do not understand the condition. This may cause the psoriasis patient to become embarrassed or self-conscious. While it can be annoying, it is not dangerous to one’s health.

Psoriasis is most often experienced on the scalp, elbows, and knees; however, it has the potential to develop anywhere on the skin. Psoriasis can affect a person at any age, and the condition is often mild, rather than severe. It is an unpredictable condition that may come and go without apparent reason.

Psoriasis is known to appear in people of all ages and from all walks of life, but there are known factors that correlate to an increased risk of developing psoriasis.
Psoriasis can be triggered by various factors; such as stress or certain medications. Red, raised scaly patches of skin are signs of psoriasis. There is no definitive cure that permanently treats psoriasis, and much of the cause of the disease has been linked to genetics and your family history. If the condition appears in your family, especially if one or both parents have had psoriasis, your odds are increased. Those who are obese, smoke or are experiencing chronic; those who are under high stress are also more at risk.

If you suffer from psoriasis, rest assured there is gentle treatment at Integrated Dermatology in Plymouth. Knowing which type of psoriasis you have helps us tailor a treatment plan to meet your individual needs.

Types of Psoriasis

Psoriasis can appear in a number of different ways and ranges in degree of severity from person to person. We are happy to explain the most common types of psoriasis and their symptoms including:

This is the most common type of psoriasis. About eight in 10 people suffer from this type often called “psoriasis vulgaris.” Plaque psoriasis results in raised, inflamed, red skin covered with white, silver scales that may burn and itch. Plaque psoriasis is commonly found on the scalp, elbows, lower back, and knees.

Up to half of the patients with psoriasis experience nail changes. Symptoms and signsinclude tender, painful nails, separation of the nail from the bed, color changes, pitting of the nails, and chalk-like material under the nails. You are more likely to develop a fungal infection with this type of psoriasis.

When patients have arthritis and psoriasis, they have this type of psoriasis. According to studies, people have psoriasis for about ten years before developing psoriatic arthritis in 70 percent of the cases. About 90 percent of individuals also have nail changes. Stiff, painful joints in the morning and after rest and warm joints that may be discolored are symptoms of this psoriatic psoriasis.

This type is serious; however, it is the least common. Most of the body can be affected by a widespread fiery skin that appears burned. Itching, burning, or peeling is a symptom of ty experience a change in body temperature and a faster heart rate. It is critical to seek treatment immediately if you experience any of these symptoms.


Proper diagnosis of a condition is necessary to undergo the appropriate treatment. Patients can schedule an examination appointment with our staff at Integrated Dermatology to understand the severity of their skin concerns. This pertinent information allows us to determine the best possible treatment to improve the condition and resolve the problem.

In the Quincy office, we provide the largest phototherapy center south of Boston, with day and evening hours available to suit an active schedule. Full body lightboxes, hand and foot boxes, PUVA and narrowband UV, are all available.

We also have onsite the XTRAC excimer laser, which allows intense UV light to be focused onjust the involved skin sites, therefore sparing healthy or normal skin from unnecessary UV exposure.


On the forefront of dermatological care, are laser and light-based skin treatments. We offer the Xtrac Excimer laser treatment, which is FDA-approved for addressing a number of issues such as psoriasis. Building on the known efficacy of ultraviolet light therapies in skin care, researchers were able to isolate a specialized spectrum of ultraviolet light effective against psoriasis. The XTRAC laser is a precision treatment that targets the psoriasis cells without damaging healthier skin cells. This is not like other commonly found laser skin treatments that vaporize skin cells. The laser is calibrated at a 308-nanometer wavelength, which testing has shown to be optimized especially effective against psoriasis growths.

The XTRAC can clear stubborn psoriatic plaques in just several treatments, and sustained remissions are common. It is also very useful in re-pigmenting the skin in conditions of pigment loss such as vitiligo. The large majority patients who are treated with the XTRAC laser experience at least a 70% elimination of psoriasis plaque after their sixth treatment. Of the available treatments, the XTRAC laser offers patients a safe, comfortable and effective means of clearing psoriasis symptoms for a long period. Undergoing regular treatment sessions can yield great results of consistently cleared skin.

There are a variety of treatments that can reduce the symptoms and clear psoriasis from the skin, but the most effective treatment is determined on a case-by-case basis. Depending on the type of psoriasis, the severity, and your body type, some treatments will work betterthan others.

Examples of other psoriasis treatments are topical medication, moisturizers, salt baths or TNF-alpha-blocking biologics.

Quincy, Plymouth and Southshore area patients can be on their way to freedom from psoriasis symptoms. Taking charge of your life and achieving clear skin starts with a consultation. During your consultation, you will meet with one of the experienced and knowledgeable physicians at Integrated Dermatology where you can discuss your concerns, and we can examine your situation. Your skin, nails, and scalp are carefully assessed, and you will be able to discuss your experience. Together, we will come up with a solution and plan that works for you.

There is no need for your mental health to continue to suffer due to psoriasis as there are many effective treatments available for patients of all ages.
Patients who struggle with psoriasis may feel self-conscious about their appearance. We understand how debilitating this condition can be and how it can affect patients’ well-being. Clinical studies have shown that outbreaks of psoriasis have been linked to a loss in quality of life. Especially in younger children who can encounter bullying, the highly visible nature of psoriasis can lead to a great deal of stress. In many cases, those with psoriasis may avoid social situations, and sporting activities or struggle to get a good night’s rest due to itching and irritation. We work with each patient to find the right treatment and place him or her onto a path towards relief.

Our technicians are trained in all aspects of phototherapy, and they serve as a valuable resource to patients plagued with these debilitating conditions.

Integrated Dermatology also serves as a referral center used by other local dermatologists who can no longer provide the technical expertise required to treat cases that are more difficult. Dr. Reed is a quality, board-certified dermatologist who has decades of experience in providing patients with treatments concerning the skin and body.

The cost of a psoriasis treatment will vary from patient to patient depending on their specific circumstances. Many insurance carriers do cover psoriasis treatment depending on the severity of the case and the treatment used. Laser treatments may be covered when patients don’t respond to topical ointments or other skin treatments. You’ll be able to get an accurate assessment during your consultation. Please contact Integrated Dermatology today!

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