Our skin is the largest organ of our bodies and is responsible for protecting us from disease and the elements. It’s an incredible organ, but it too is vulnerable to disease.

Eczema, also known as dermatitis, is a skin disease that affects millions of Americans in one form or another. The disease tends to be found more in children, but it can appear at any age.

Eczema appears as dry, red skin that can be itchy and irritated with open sores. Symptoms can appear in prominent areas, and irritation can significantly interfere with your quality of life.

Fortunately, we at Integrated Dermatology have the expertise and resources to treat dermatoses such as eczema effectively.

We can help you achieve peace of mind and freedom from symptoms. Contact Integrated Dermatology to schedule a consultation today!

About Eczema

The board-certified dermatologistsat Integrated Dermatology in Plymouth and Quincy are highly sought after for diagnosis and treatment of eczema due.
About 10 to 20 percent of infants and an estimated 3 percent of adults in the United States suffer from eczema; a group of medical conditions that cause irritated or inflamed skin. Atopic dermatitis, or atopic eczema, is the most common type of eczema. Itchy and dry skin that may lead to blisters is a sign of the condition. Sometimes, the itching will start before the rash appears. When these areas of skin are scratched, they can become crusty. This is a sign of an infection and should be treated promptly. We have had success with the various eczema treatments that we offer, ensuring that each and every one of our patients is being taken care of.

Diseases of the skin such as eczema are particularly problematic because they can appear in highly visible areas like your arms and face. Embarrassment and physical discomfort can undermine your quality of life, especially in younger children who may face bullying or teasing. Moreover, these issues can cut down your self-confidence and discourage individuals from physical or social activity.

Understanding Eczema

Eczema is an umbrella term that refers to a group of skin diseases that result in redness and inflammation. Eczema impacts more than 200 million people around the world, appearing most commonly in children and twice as common in females compared to males.

Eczema is most common on the face, hands, wrists, back of the knees, and feet. Darker-skinned people may experience pigmentation changes. The common trend is redness, a rash, and itchiness, but the severity and appearance of the symptoms vary from type to type. Fortunately, eczema is not contagious.

Eczema, also called dermatitis, appears in different forms and types, some more common than others. Common types of eczema are atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, dyshidrotic eczema, nummular eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, and stasis dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis is the most common type and appears on the face, hands, feet, inner elbows and back of the knees. The itchy, red rash is the most prominent feature of this type and has a strong hereditary link and tends to affect those with Asthma. Atopic dermatitis can appear in children as young as five years of age and is usually a chronic condition, meaning that individuals with atopic dermatitis will experience flare-ups throughout most of their adolescence and into adulthood. Flare-ups of atopic dermatitis can come and go and may even disappear for years a time but can reappear just as quickly.

Contact dermatitis appears when an irritating substance touches the skin and triggers a reaction. This will appear as inflammation of the skin with itching, burning, and redness. The hands and exposed areas of the body are usually affeany people’s reactions are set off by irritants such as bleach, wool, paint, cigarette smoke, acidic foods, metals, skin care products with alcohol or pet dander.

Nummular eczema is also a common type. Due to factors like overly dry skin during the winter or insect bites, disc-shaped spots can appear. They can become wet, open sores and itch.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic form of eczema that shows up around the glands of the skin. Evidence suggests that hormones and genes are the root cause of this type. Seborrheic dermatitis impacts men more than women, around oil-producing glands of the upper back, nose, and scalp. Those with compromised immune systems are more vulnerable to this type of eczema. Seborrheic dermatitis appears as red patches on the skin that are often greasy and swollen with white flakes. There are also other rarer types such as dyshidrosis, discoid, venous and neurodermatitis.


Triggers of eczema may include stress, animal dander, rough or course materials, cold or hot temperatures, respiratory infectionsor colds, and household products; such as soap or detergent. The prevalence of the condition is linked to both environmental factors, genetics, and specific triggers.
The exact cause of eczema isn’t perfectly understood, but research has shown us a great deal about different factors that contribute to eczema. Different factors trigger different people’s eczema. A good way to manage eczema is to be aware of your triggers and avoid them if possible. Children are especially vulnerable to developing Eczema, especially if they are from higher social classes, live in urban areas with more pollution or in colder climates.

We can help patients avoid or lessen the severity of eczema outbreaks by tailoring treatment plans to meet their needs. We often recommend reducing stress and moisturizing frequently. Avoiding changes in humidity or temperature, harsh solvents, harsh soaps, and overheating or sweating may be recommended. Wool, certain beverages, and foods also can cause outbreaks. Eczema is not an allergic reaction, but there are strong correlations between those who have Asthma, food allergies and diet to Eczema flare-ups.

Diseases such as eczema are shown to have a link with unusually clean environments. The “hygiene hypothesis,” is the idea that under exposure to bacteria can leave your immune system more vulnerable in the long term.

Diagnosing Eczema

Although there are no tests to diagnose eczema a thorough skin examination, along with asking a few questions, can quickly identify the condition. Since many patients with eczema have allergies, we may perform allergy tests to determine possible irritants or triggers. Children are often tested for allergies.

Many people may experience symptoms of eczema that seem small and manageable, but it is often advised to seek treatment when rashes and redness don’t respond to over the counter medication. Other symptoms that indicate a need for stronger treatment are blisters that develop on eczema patches. Blisters are a sign of infection.

Providing Relief

With our extensive experience working with a wide variety of skin conditions, we at Integrated Dermatology fully grasp how much these issues can interfere with your self-confidence, daily life, and overall well-being. Through providing the highest quality care by using the state-of-the-art equipment, modern facilities and our attention to your experience, we aim to fulfill our promise to patients of providing relief and satisfaction with their treatment outcomes.


Scheduling a consultation will put you on your way to treating eczema symptoms. During a consultation, one of our physicians will closely examine any rashes and discuss with you your symptoms and experiences with eczema. At Integrated Dermatology, we offer a range of treatments such as emollients, topical steroids, immunomodulators, and newer biologics agents such as dupixent. Dr. Reed can help evaluate your particular case and recommend the best treatment. Contact our office and schedule a one-on-one consultation.

Treating Eczema

Our goal is to provide treatment that will relieve pain and prevent itching. Since the skin can become dry and itchy, we may recommend lotions and creams to keep the skin moist. Cold compresses may also be used to relieve itching.

One of the most promising areas for treating eczema is through laser therapy. At Integrated Dermatology, we offer the XTRAC Excimer laser treatment. The Xtrac laser is a sophisticated, safe, and effective laser that uses a specific 308-nanometer wavelength laser. This particular wavelength of light is known for its capabilities against eczema. This system is FDA-approved and usually recommended for those whose flare-ups and symptoms do not respond well to first-tier treatments like topical creams. Laser treatments have been used in dermatology for a long time with great results. Concentrated beams of ultraviolet B light are directed towards affected areas. Compared to other light-based treatments like UV light boxes, the Xtrac system is more precise and eliminates the risk potential of overexposing health skin to too much UV light.

The treatment process for the XTRAC laser is simple. Laser therapy involves applying a handheld treatment head over the affected area. The session can take as little as twenty minutes. The experience is painless and requires no anesthesia. After a session, you can immediately return to their daily activities. In some patients, there may be a lingering feeling of tenderness and a sensation similar to a sunburn.

In the case that this treatment is not the best option for your needs, Dr. Reed offers numerous other treatment modalities ranging from emollients, topical steroids, and immunomodulators to newer biologics agents such as dupixent. During your initial consultation, the doctor will recommend the best treatment option for your needs.


The majority of patients who undergo regular laser treatments experience consistent improvements in their symptoms. The number of treatment sessions recommended will be determined according to your skin type and your particular case of eczema.


The cost of eczema treatments will vary depending on the severity of the flare-up, the type of eczema you are experiencing and the treatment technique used. In many cases for these types of skin issues, insurance carriers may cover some treatments costs. Contact Integrated Dermatology to schedule your consultation today and get an accurate quote.

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