While acne is more common in teenagers than in adults, many patients mistakenly assume that they are immune to breakouts in adulthood. While this is true for some people, breakouts and even serious cystic acne can affect you at any age, taking a toll on your self-image.

Acne Specialists in Plymouth and Quincy, MA

The teams at the Integrated Dermatology locations in Plymouth and Quincy, Massachusetts, understand the stresses that come with having acne and offer several treatment options for personalized care. If you’re struggling with a breakout, call or schedule an appointment online at Integrated Dermatology today.

Acne Q & A

What is acne?

Acne is the most common skin condition in the world, affecting 40 to 50 million Americans at a time. When your pores become clogged with bacteria, dead skin cells, and oils, you start to develop bumps on your face, back, chest, and sometimes other areas on your body. Acne comes in several forms, and you can have more than one simultaneously. Types of acne include:

  • Blackheads
  • Whiteheads
  • Cystic lesions (pus-filled bumps)
  • Papules (small tender bumps)
  • Pustules or pimples (papules that exude pus)

Breakouts of acne can vary widely in severity due to many variables, and many cases go away with little to no care.

Why do I have acne?

There are several common causes of acne, and there are several commonly-held misconceptions about how acne forms. True and common factors and causes of acne include:

  • Puberty hormones
  • Pregnancy hormones
  • Oral contraceptives
  • High oil production on skin
  • Certain medications
  • A carbohydrate-heavy diet (lots of bread)
  • Stress

You may have heard that eating particularly greasy foods or wearing lots of makeup can cause your skin to flare up in acne. These are misconceptions and do not have any relation to your acne. Your doctor will assess your case to pinpoint the cause or causes of your breakouts in order to form a personalized care plan and make suggestions for you.

How can I get rid of acne?

While most mild breakouts of acne are temporary and will go away with proper home care and over-the-counter topical medications, other cases are long-lasting and require a visit to your dermatologist at Integrated Dermatology. Several acne treatments are available at Integrated Dermatology, including:

Chemical peels

During a chemical peel, your provider applies a chemical solution to the affected area that reacts with your skin to make it shed its outermost layer. This treatment works for acne and the scars left behind from it.

Light therapy

Light therapy, also known as phototherapy, comes in several different types. Different lasers and wavelengths can target specific cells in your skin, reducing flare-ups and improving the symptoms that come with them.

Prescription topical medications

Your provider may give you suggestions for over-the-counter topical medications or, in severe cases, prescribe you with prescription topical medication. Common topical medications for acne include Retin-A (Tretinoin), Differin (Adapalene), and Tazorac (Tazarotene). You will also be given instructions on how to properly use your medication for the best results.

If you have a case of acne that won’t go away within a few weeks, call or schedule an appointment online at Integrated Dermatology to find out more about dermatological acne treatments.

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